
No Paper
City of Elko Utilizes GIS to Empower Its Water Management
Track: Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Author(s): Alex Quintero

This project demonstrates how Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can assist a small community in maximizing the value of its spatial data holdings. The City of Elko, Nevada seeks to incorporate ArcGIS to empower its community and harmonize the various city entities. The city would like to expand its existing spatial data holdings and gradually influence other departments to contribute their data into one main database. The scope of the project focuses on establishing a GIS for the water department by building upon previous success stories and avoiding documented mistakes. This case study will describe the value of ArcGIS and illustrate its functionality within a local government's water department.

Alex Quintero
University of Redlands
1111 E Central Ave
Apt #1
Redlands , California 92374
United States
Phone: 775-340-0273
E-mail: Alexq171@gmail.com