
No Paper
Road Gradient Analysis using 3d Analyst and python scripts
Track: New Technology and System Integration
Author(s): Jeffery Nighbert

Knowing the gradient of a particular road, streams or any linear feature is important to managing not only the feature itself but the context in which that feature exists. For example, if the slope of a road segment is too steep excessive erosion and sediment run-off may occur. Depending on that segments proximity to a stream, there may be harmful effects to wildlife habitat in the area.

Legacy capability for linear feature gradient analysis existed for ArcInfo Coverages using the Road Gradient Arc Macro Language script (AML) for ArcInfo Workstation. The process was very time consuming, tedious and wrought with programming limitations.

This paper describes a new approach to gradient analysis using 3d vectors, 3d analyst extension and python scripts. The new process will be describe in detail with code examples and colorful graphic outputs.

Jeffery Nighbert
Bureau of Land Management
Portland , Oregon 97204-3440
United States
Phone: 503-808-6399
Fax: 503-808-6419
E-mail: jnighber@or.blm.gov