
Out of Chaos, Comes Order...From Client-Server to Service Oriented Architecture
Track: System Implementation for GIS
Author(s): Lisa Vicknair, Alan Poole

GeoEye maintains millions of reduced-resolution browse images representing our commercial and private product holdings. The existing imagery management systems rely, in part, on outdated technology including server hardware and automated process developed on legacy code. GeoEye is in the process of upgrading existing legacy systems to an objected oriented architecture using current technology and best practices within the following guidelines: Esri server technologies (ArcServer, JAVA and C## WebADF, ImageServer, ArcMap) will be used to store and serve images, image attributes, presentation layers (both raster and vector). ArcMap plug-ins, Web Applications, Web Services (such as map, geocoding, and geo-location services), one-touch delivery systems, and role-based subscription services will be developed to enhance the GeoEye Customer search, discovery and order fulfillment capabilities as well as enhance the overall user-experience.

Lisa Vicknair
12076 Grant Street
Thornton , Colorado 80241
United States
Phone: (303) 254-2114
E-mail: vicknair.lisa@geoeye.com

Alan Poole
12076 Grant Street
Denver , Colorado 80241
United States
Phone: 303-254-2031
E-mail: poole.alan@geoeye.com