
No Paper
Developing an Integrated Cadastral Management System
Track: Cadastral and Land Records
Author(s): Jennifer Higgs, John Broome

Metro GIS has developed several ArcObjects applications to manage the workflow for the cadastral mapping staff and implement our unique versioning structure. The integration of these custom applications and the enterprise geodatabase allows the section leader to manage versions, track work load, and quantify performance. Additional tools enable the staff to manage their work, perform error checking and produce timesaving reports. Upon posting versions, the application pushes data into our Land Records System and updates the parcel attribute information with other key spatial information based on other GIS data layers.

Jennifer Higgs
Metro Gov't of Nashville Planning Dept
800 2nd Ave S
Nashville , Tennessee 37210
United States
Phone: 615-880-3416
E-mail: jennifer.higgs@nashville.gov

John Broome
Metro Gov't of Nashville Planning Department
800 2nd Ave S
Nashville , Tennessee 37210
United States
Phone: 615-862-7216
E-mail: john.broome@nashville.gov