
No Paper
City of Houston Solid Waste Route Optimization
Track: Logistics
Author(s): Bob Lawrence

Using Esri's ArcSDE and ArcIMS products together with IIT's eRouteLogistics Waste Collection system, the Department of Solid Waste Management of the City of Houston was able to achieve a substantial benefit in daily operations by optimizing their residential waste collection routes. The impetus for this project was the impending addition of 80,000 new customers (previously serviced by a private contractor) in addition to the 300,000 customers already being serviced. The number of required routes per day was reduced from 103 to 88, a 15% improvement. This allowed the City to avoid significant new capital expenditures that would have otherwise been required. This presentation will detail the progression of the project from inception through completion as well as discuss the ongoing efforts of the City to optimize the collection of other types of service.

Bob Lawrence
Institute of information Technology
2204 Timberloch Pl, Suie 225
The Woodlands , Texas 77380
United States
Phone: 281-296-2224
Fax: 281-296-2291
E-mail: blawrence@e-iit.com