
Towards a GIS-Based System for Road and Transport Planning
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Roar Norvik, Snorre Ness

Since 1999 SINTEF has been developing GIS-tools in ArcView for use in road- and transport planning. There have been developed tools to generate, analyse and present geographic data concerning transport modelling, cost-benefit analysis and environmental calculations. With the latest module developed the user can construct horizontal- and vertical curvature by giving the parameters from the roads- and street design manual. All modules are converted to work on ArcGIS 9.2. The presentation will give a short description of each module developed, and some thoughts about what needs to be done to make this more like a complete system for road- and transport planning at this planning level.

Roar Norvik
S. P. Andersens vei 5
Trondheim , Trondheim N-7465
Phone: +4790043270
E-mail: roar.norvik@sintef.no

Snorre Ness
S.P. Andersens vei 5
Trondheim , Trondheim N-7465
Phone: +4793212037
E-mail: snorre.ness@sintef.no