
No Paper
Building an Award Winning Spatial Portal Using GIS Portal Toolkit
Track: Spatial Data Infrastructure
Author(s): Roy Mellum

The Norwegian national spatial portal geoNorge.no is built on GIS Portal Toolkit version 3.2. The portal is now a vital application in the Norwegian SDI serving as a service integrator as well as being the national geodata catalogue. The presentation will cover the Norwegian experiences on how to set up a spatial portal underpinning a serviceoriented SDI framework architecture. The presentation will outline how the basic GIS Portal Toolkit functionality has been extended by integrating several national web services as well as other interesting extensions - like the database driven context based newsletter functionality and advanced download services. Other successcriteria such as the importance of political support, organisational issues and capacity building are also discussed.

GeoNorge.no and the Norwegian SDI concept and work was awarded 'the ePractice.eu Good Practice label for 2007', acknowledged by the 2007 European eGovernment Awards consortium.

Roy Mellum
Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority
Honefoss , Buskerud 3507
Phone: +4732118204
E-mail: roy.mellum@statkart.no