
No Paper
Transboundary GIS in Southern African Peace Parks
Track: Parks and Natural Reserves
Author(s): Craig Beech

Base mapping of southern Africa's peace parks has led to the establishment of transboundary initiatives. These include biodiversity, socio-economic, tourism (land-use options), and disease related topics. Peace Parks Foundation (PPF) have established key partnerships with various organizations to process information across these disparate topics. Hence better management and understanding of transboundary conservation information. Mapping and monitoring of resource utilization by local communities, participatory workshops and systems to investigate ecosystem services is allowing PPF to create a detailed GIS. Furthermore GIS capacity is being built in protected areas managers and staff throughout the region, by offering an introductory course in GIS through the Southern African Wildlife College (SAWC). New databases, including user driven content capture, together with integrated spatial tools are under development to further standardize and ease data collection. e-Darts, a spatial capture tool for veterinary information will be demonstrated.

Craig Beech
Peace Parks Foundation
Millennia Park
16 Stellentia Avenue
Stellenbosch , Western Cape 7613
South Africa
Phone: +27(0)21 887 6188
Fax: +27(0)21 887 6189
E-mail: cbeech@ppf.org.za