
Zanzibar Multi Purpose Cadastre - GIS Pilot in Afríca
Track: Cadastral and Land Records
Author(s): Jukka Nieminen

As part of Government of Finland / Government of Zanzibar technical cooperation a detailed aerial photography was conducted in 2004-2005. The whole area of Zanzibar was covered and the base map production started. More than 200,000 buildings have been digitized together with other layers for the digital topographic map. A Multipurpose Cadastre is now built using ArcGIS 9.2 to enable several central and local government agencies to use this common GIS base. Zanzibar is taking first steps towards a modern land management system, property registration and provision of municipal services to the inhabitants. The MPC pilot will test the technical solutions first in the Stone Town (UNESCO World Heritage Site). If successful, the developed methodology will be replicated to all Zanzibar geographical area. The key users of the GIS application are: Zanzibar Municipal Council, Revenue Board, Land Registrar, Stone Town Conservation and Development Authority, and the Department of Surveys.

Jukka Nieminen
SMOLE / Dept. of Surveys & Urban Planning
P.O. Box 811
Zanzibar , Zanzibar n/a
Phone: +255 777 857 261
Fax: +255 24 223 7008
E-mail: j.nieminen@zanlink.com