
Base Map Updates Using GIS and Remote Sensing
Track: Remote Sensing Imagery
Author(s): Mita Mathur, Kristin Brown, Larry Stipek

This paper presents an overview on the Base Map updates project taken by Loudoun County Office of Mapping and Geographic Information System. OMAGI updates all base map data selectively according to development patterns. Various parts of the county are updated from aerial photography through stereo compilation and photogrammetry. Ground features are captured and attributed through the base map maintenance services contract kept by the county. Base Map data layers include planimetric (Buildings, roads, miscellaneous cultural features), environmental (Hydrology, forest cover), and topographic (elevation contours and spot heights) features. Many annual cycles (2000 to present) of base map update contribute to the development of these layers.

Mita Mathur
Loudoun County Office of Mapping and Geographic Information
1 Harrison St. SE, 2nd Floor,Mail Box No: 65
Leesburg , Virginia 20175
United States
Phone: 703. 737. 8768
E-mail: mmathur@loudoun.gov

Kristin Brown
Loudoun County, Office of Mapping and Geographic Information
1 Harrison St., MS ## 65
Leesburg , Virginia 20175
United States
Phone: 703-777-0166
E-mail: kbrown@loudoun.gov

Larry Stipek
Loudoun County Office of Mapping and Geographic Information
1 Harrison St., MS ##65
Leesburg , Virginia 20175
United States
Phone: 703-771-5778
E-mail: lstipek@loudoun.gov