
ArcMap and "The Greatest Book on Earth"
Track: Cartography and Map Production
Author(s): Graham Gill

Harper Collins Publishers create a wide range of printed and digital maps and atlases, including the Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World, which has been described as "the greatest book on Earth". Arc/Info has been part of our print production workflow for 20 years. However, other tools have always been needed to create the final cartographic image. With the improved cartographic functionality now available in ArcMap, this paper looks at the challenges and constraints involved in trying to integrate and simplify the workflow by bringing the production of publication-quality cartography within ArcMap.

Graham Gill
Harper Collins Publishers
Unit 4, Manchester Park
Tewkesbury Road
Cheltenham , Glos GL51 9EJ
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1242 258130
E-mail: graham.gill@harpercollins.co.uk