
Algorithms for Automated Line Generalization in GIS
Track: Cartography and Map Production
Author(s): Mariane Dal Santo, Guilherme Wosny, Francisco de Oliveria

The Geographic Information Systems (ARCGIS-Esri), have tools to product a cartographical generalization that are based in spatial transformations that alter the data geometrical and topological representation. The major spatial objetcts use vector as the basic entities for representation, the vectorial generalization has been well studied and is the most common transformation used in the existent systems. The three basic elements for vectorial representation are points, lines and areas and are translated to geographical objects as nodes, points, arcs, isolines, polygonal lines and polygons. This article discusses polygonal lines simplifying methods. Searching a good cartographical precision to cadastral scale, this paper explains the experiments and evaluation process for two algorithms to improve line simplification applyied to GIS: an adaptation of Douglas-Peucker algorithm, an area/perimeter cocient, and an adaptation of Wang, algorithm applying arcs techinical recognizition, analysing the characteristics and dropping out the minor significants.

Mariane Dal Santo
Av. Madre Benvenuta, 2007
Florianópolis , Santa Catarina 88035001
Phone: 514833218542
E-mail: marianedalsanto@udesc.br

Guilherme Wosny
Rua Frei Caneca, 506
Florianópolis , Santa Catarina 88025000
Phone: 55 48 32289450
E-mail: gcwosny@hotmail.com

Francisco de Oliveria
Antonio Edu Vieira, 1400/A/405
Bairro Pantanal
Florianopolis , Santa Catarina 88040001
Phone: 55 48 33218542
E-mail: chicoliver@yahoo.com.br