
No Paper
Developing a universal water resource assessment model for sustainable water security: The case of the Mekong River Basin
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Akiyuki Kawasaki

The ultimate goal of this study is to develop Universal Water Assessment Indicators and tools that support water-security related problem-solving using a Spatial Information Platform for Watershed Environmental Assessments based on ideas, concepts, and prototypes developed in-house at laboratory. The objectives of the study are as follows: to represent a wide range of water resource indicators in an integrated format; to quantify and reveal typically concealed relationships such as total water supply and demand, and complicated links between upstream water resources and downstream users; to identify problem hot spots and effective solutions; to dynamically analyze the influences of natural and anthropogenic activity on water systems; and to investigate optimal combinations of water management and water rights at each location for all involved in terms of sustainability and cost effectiveness.

Akiyuki Kawasaki
United Nations University/University of Tokyo
53-70, Jingumae 5-chome
Shibuya-ku , Tokyo 150-8925
Phone: +81-03-5467-1376
E-mail: akiyuki.kawasaki@gmail.com