
Conversion of Lincoln Water CAD to ArcGIS - Lessons Learned
Track: Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Author(s): Arnold Radloff

From January 2004 through October 2006, the Lincoln Water System pursued a goal of converting their Microstation CAD Record files into an Esri ArcGIS Geodatabase format. This presentation is an effort to briefly describe the processes, problems encountered and how they were overcome, which culminated in a successful conversion. It will describe the unique considerations and customization that needed to be created in order to integrate with the existing workflow between Lincoln Water System functions and the Department of Public Works and Utilities to create a versioned SDE Geodatabase. The incorporation of hydraulic modeling parameters and methodology will be discussed. The presentation will also describe the efforts by the Lincoln Water System to have their Field Crews use SDE enhanced Map Books with Electronic Mobile Devices to reference and add new projects to the Geodatabase.

Arnold Radloff
Lincoln Water System
Lincoln Water System
2021 North 27th Street
Lincoln , Nebraska 68503
United States
Phone: 402-441-5917
Fax: 402-441-8493
E-mail: aradloff@lincoln.ne.gov