
No Paper
The MMC: Framework for Mapping the Outer Continental Shelf
Track: Ocean, Coastal, and Marine Resources
Author(s): Joshua Murphy, Adam Bode

Providing access to accurate and defensible digital marine boundaries is critical to the effective management of coastal and marine resources. This holds true in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), where the Federal government is responsible for managing a variety of complimentary and conflicting uses. The Federal Geographic Data Committee's (FGDC) Marine Boundary Working Group (MBWG), under the leadership of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Coastal Services Center and the Minerals Management Service (MMS), is developing the Multipurpose Marine Cadastre (MMC) to manage spatial data for the OCS and adjacent state waters. At its core, the MMC will contain marine cadastral data encompassing the spatial extent, usage, rights, restrictions, and responsibilities of marine areas. An associated internet mapping application will provide access to this core data and supporting data sets that can be used to examine marine spatial planning issues such as alternative energy siting and marine conservation.

Joshua Murphy
2234 South Hobson Avenue
Charleston , South Carolina 29405
United States
Phone: 843-740-1246
E-mail: Joshua.Murphy@noaa.gov

Adam Bode
NOAA Coastal Services Center
2234 South Hobson Avenue
Charleston , South Carolina 29405
United States
Phone: 8437401265
E-mail: adam.bode@noaa.gov