
No Paper
A Historical GIS Prototype for the City of Salvador, Brazil
Track: System Implementation for GIS
Author(s): Heliana Rocha, Gilberto Pereira

This paper focuses on a methodology of a GIS prototype for the Commercial District, a significant heritage area in Salvador, which was the first colonial city in Brazil and its place of birth. It is a critical part of a Master's thesis recently completed at Universidade Federal da Bahia. The historical database is based on urban landscape concepts, such as visual perception and urban form apprehension to interpret old iconography. The non-spatial data are related to historical and physical characteristics of the constructions modified with time. Likewise, the spatial data proceeds from old maps of each period analyzed, applied on the Digital Terrain Model (DTM), produced from the current photometric survey. The system's conceptual model details the features, attributes and their relationships. Finally, it displays several queries through visual outputs, such as thematic maps and 3d visualization, which represent the city from its XVI century form to its current form.

Heliana Rocha
R. Dr. João Pondé, 61/604 - Barra
Salvador , Bahia 40140-810
Phone: 55 71 3482-0440
Fax: 55 71 3264-0975
E-mail: hmettig@terra.com.br

Gilberto Pereira
Rua Caetano Moura, 121 - LCAD
Salvador , Bahia 40210340
Phone: 55 71 2354268
Fax: 55 71 2473511
E-mail: corso@ufba.br