
Monitoring of Lukoil Activity in Russian North-West
Track: Petroleum
Author(s): Svetlana Khipeli, Alla Krasovskaya, Elena Kurnakova, Elena Sokolova, Mikhail Grigoriev

We have spent the analysis of oil market in Timan-Pechora oil bearing province. The Leading part in an oil production in the province belongs to oil company Lukoil, begun with 1997 to form upstream activities in region. Lukoil has borrowed the lead position by absorption of the basic enterprises operated here and the further structural transformations inside of the company. We study process of consolidation of the company by the analysis of upstream activities dynamics for the period 1997 - 2007. The activities are displayed in license spatial data. Creation of these and transportation network data in a time series format and use cartographical animation has allowed to show spatial structure of upstream development. Thus Lukoil activity in the various production centers within the province and network development is analyzed.

Svetlana Khipeli
Gecon Ltd.
P.O.B. 48
Moscow , Moscow 125080
Phone: +74952568915
E-mail: skhipeli@gecon.ru

Alla Krasovskaya
Gecon Ltd.
P.O.B. 48
Moscow , Moscow 125080
Phone: +74952568915
E-mail: akrasovskaya@gecon.ru

Elena Kurnakova
Gecon Ltd.
P.O.B. 19
St.-Petersburg , St.-Petersburg 199406
Phone: +78123345610
E-mail: ekurnakova@gecon.ru

Elena Sokolova
Gecon Ltd.
P.O.B. 19
St.-Petersburg , St.-Petersburg 199406
Phone: +78123345610
Fax: 78123345610
E-mail: esokolova@gecon.ru

Mikhail Grigoriev
Gecon Ltd.
Moscow , Moscow 125080
Phone: +7 495 256 89 15
E-mail: mgrigoriev@gecon.ru