
No Paper
GPS to GIS Workflow for Small Workgroups
Track: Environmental Management
Author(s): Ingrid Hogle

Using a combination of TerraSync for GPS and the personal Access geodatabase model for GIS data entry and editing, our team of 8 staff members records, edits, and produces maps showing the location and extent of an invasive cordgrass in the San Francisco Estuary. This data is then used to track and inform our invasive Spartina eradication efforts. The presentation will describe the workflow from data collection using Trimble GeoXT GPS units, to map production using ArcMap 9.2. It will also cover differential correction and export in Pathfinder Office, data loading in ArcCatalog, and data editing and map production in ArcMap.

Ingrid Hogle
Invasive Spartina Project
2560 9th St
Suite 216
Berkeley , California 94710
United States
Phone: 510-548-2461
E-mail: ibhogle@spartina.org