
No Paper
MDWASD - A Scalable Data Maintenance Solution Using ArcGIS Server
Track: Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Author(s): Jose Lopez, Dave Feuer

Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD) needed to improve its legacy GIS System by taking advantage of the newer and improved GIS technologies to establish a robust enterprise GIS that supports the County's 430,000 customers spread throughout 460 square miles. However, MDWASD's needs went well beyond upgrading to newer technology. MDWASD required a data maintenance solution to support their extensive data maintenance workflow. As a result, a set of tools was developed to allow desktop users to automate data maintenance such as quality assurance/quality control editing, map production, version control, and annotation management. Efficient data maintenance leads to tremendous opportunities for data distribution, and MDWASD took advantage of this fact by developing a web browser in ArcGIS Server 9.2 Web ADF supported by Oracle 9i and ArcSDE. This presentation will highlight the processes used to achieve this solution.

Jose Lopez
Miami Dade County
3071 SW 38th Ave
Room 331
Miami , Florida 33146
United States
Phone: 786.552.8334
E-mail: jll@miamidade.gov

Dave Feuer
Woolpert, Inc.
11315 Corporate Boulevard
Suite 115
Orlando , Florida 32817
United States
Phone: 407.381.2192
E-mail: dave.feuer@woolpert.com