
Using a Geodatabase to Manage Water Quality Assessment Data
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Jon Becker

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4, Water Management Division (WMD) has developed a geodatabase to manage the georeferenced water quality assessment data from the region's eight southeastern states for various years. The geodatabase's relationships between various assessment unit features and detailed tables provide WMD GIS staff with powerful and versatile analytical capability. By integrating disparate state data formats into a common structure, the geodatabase enables much easier multi-year, multi-state spatial analysis than before. Answers to complex management requests or environmental progress reports can be generated in a fraction of the time it took when the georeferencing data was contained in various, unmatching shapefiles.

Jon Becker
US EPA Region 4, Water Mgmt Div
SNAFC, 61 Forsyth
Atlanta , Georgia 30303
United States
Phone: 404-562-9227
E-mail: becker.jon@epa.gov