
Building a County Wide Sanitation GIS
Track: Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Author(s): Tim Gahagan

Located just north of the San Francisco Bay, the Sonoma County Water Agency is responsible for - among other things, the sanitation collection systems for eight separate districts and zones throughout the county. In an effort to comply with state sanitation regulations and mandates, the water agency has begun the process of building a comprehensive sanitation GIS.

Using the building blocks of various CAD drawings and outdated hand drafted atlas maps, a GIS was created that allows for new map print outs, integration of automatically updated data base information, manhole and pipe information stored in a geodatabase to allow analysis, links to maintenance data for scheduling and report generation and, rolling out an water agency web service.

This presentation will cover the process of collecting the data, developing and designing the GIS, using GIS Server to produce a web service and future interoperability of the sanitation GIS.

Tim Gahagan
Sonoma County Water Agency
PO Box 11628
Santa Rosa , California 95406
United States
Phone: 707-547-1957
E-mail: tgahagan@scwa.ca.gov