
No Paper
Solution for Conservation Collaboration: Pioneer Valley Farmland Analysis and IMS
Track: Ecology and Conservation
Author(s): Bob Heuer, Christian Smith

The Trust for Public Land (TPL), with assistance from American Farmland Trust, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Pioneer Valley Planning Commission created an Internet Mapping Site (IMS) to aid in the assessment and conservation of farmland in the Pioneer Valley. Using Esri's Model Builder, TPL created a model that predicts the score and eligibility for funding through the Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) program at the parcel level. The results are available on the Pioneer Valley Farmland IMS, enabling the user to view maps, print reports, query data, and export the model results along with a wide variety of existing data relevant to farmland protection. This provides the user the ability choose competitive projects to submit and help document the characteristics of parcels during the application process. This presentation will discuss the model as well as the functionality of the Pioneer Valley Farmland IMS site.

Bob Heuer
The Trust for Public Land
1600 Lena St
Bldg C
Santa Fe , New Mexico 87505
United States
Phone: 505-988-5977
E-mail: bob.heuer@tpl.org

Christian Smith
The Trust for Public Land
1600 Lena St
Bldg C
Santa Fe , New Mexico 87505
United States
Phone: 505-988-5977
E-mail: smitty.smith@tpl.org