
No Paper
Stormwater Asset Management and GIS
Track: Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Author(s): Quint Pertzsch

This presentation will describe how the City of Golden has integrated their stormwater asset management system into GIS. Utilizing a combination of GIS, GPS and asset management, the City of Golden has taken proactive steps to inventory, track and inspect all public and private stormwater facilities. Detailed inspection information has been tracked on features such as storm inlets, manholes, outfalls, detention ponds and channels. In addition, notification letters are sent to private individuals whose features fail an inspection. Upon passing an inpsection, private individuals are sent a 'thank you' letter for their effort in helping the City maintain a 'clean' water system.

All stormwater feature information is tied together between an SDE Geodatabase and the CarteGraph Asset Management System.

Quint Pertzsch
City of Golden
1445 10th Street
Golden , Colorado 80401
United States
Phone: 303-384-8157
E-mail: qpertzsch@cityofgolden.net