
No Paper
GIS as a Tool for Long Range Development Planning
Track: Architecture, Engineering, and Construction
Author(s): Tye Simpson, Patricia Carbajales

Comprehensive planning in complex urban environments requires multiple methods of analysis of land use, transportation, natural resources, and development patterns in a contemporary socio-economic context. For the University of California, Santa Barbara GIS was used to assist campus managers and educate the public about long-range development of a 25,000 student, 1,055 acre university campus on the Pacific Coast. As a result of this process, public agency data management, development processes, and decision-making changed in response to the benefits and challenges of implementing a campus-wide GIS.

Tye Simpson
UC Santa Barbara
Office of Planning and Design
Santa Barbara , California 93106-1030
United States
Phone: 805-893-4244
E-mail: tye.simpson@planning.ucsb.edu

Patricia Carbajales
University of California, Santa Barbara
Office of Campus Planning & Design
Santa Barbara , California 93106
United States
Phone: 805-893-5599
E-mail: patricia.carbajales@planning.ucsb.edu