
Science Experimental Teaching through the Use of Geographic Information Systems
Track: Education
Author(s): Madalena Mota, Paula Curvelo, Marco Painho, Oscar Vidal

Since 1996, the Ciência-Viva Program has supported projects whose aim is to encourage the use of experiments in learning science, involving scientific and school communities in an exchange of knowledge and resources. Within this program the ISEGI-UNL, in a partnership with Esri-Portugal and two secondary schools, is leading an initiative promoting a learning process centered on experience, and in which the focus is given to the use of geographic information technologies (GIS, Remote Sensing and GPS). Taking as a starting point the concepts and principles of the various disciplines integrating the curricula, the goal is to give the students research activities directed at the resolution of problems and relevant tasks, in which the space, as the stage for the many relations between phenomena, is the integrating element of learning experiences and tends to supply the privileged context for the establishment of an analysis and exploration framework.

Madalena Mota
Escola Secundária de Palmela
Av. Palmelense Futebol Clube
Palmela , Setubal 2950 - 011
Phone: +351 212 336 840
Fax: +351 212 336 845
E-mail: madalena.mota@netvisao.pt

Paula Curvelo
Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Campus de Campolide
Lisboa , Lisboa 1070-312
Phone: +351 21 387 04 13
Fax: +351 21 387 21 40
E-mail: pcurvelo@isegi.unl.pt

Marco Painho
Instituto Superior de Estatistica e Gestao de Informacao - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Campus de Campolide
Lisboa , Lisboa 1070-312
Phone: +351 21 387 04 13
Fax: +351 21 387 21 40
E-mail: painho@isegi.unl.pt

Oscar Vidal
Instituto Superior de Estatistica e Gestao de Informacao - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Campus de Campolide
Lisboa , Lisboa 1070-312
Phone: +351 21 387 04 13
E-mail: oscarblo@isegi.unl.pt