
No Paper
GIS Clearinghouses and Biological/Temporal Data: Challenges and Opportunities
Track: Spatial Data Infrastructure
Author(s): Ryan Baxter, Maurie Kelly

Geospatial clearinghouses have continued to expand and diversify throughout the past decade. Two high growth areas for data and services have been in the biological and climate weather arenas. This presentation will address issues related to developing services and storing complex data resources that meet the needs and expectations of today's users who require integrated and timely data. Topics covered will include developing services for temporal data, acquiring and encouraging data sharing and partnership development, and working with biological data partners from organizations such as the National Biological Information Infrastructure, the Pennsylvania Breeding Bird Atlas, and the Important Mammal Project.

Ryan Baxter
Penn State
115 Land & Water Research Bldg.
University Park 16802
United States
Phone: 814 865 8791
E-mail: rbaxter@psu.edu

Maurie Kelly
Penn State
117 Land and Water Bldg
University Park , Pennsylvania 16802
United States
Phone: 814-863-0104
E-mail: mck4@psu.edu