
No Paper
Internet Map Services Using NOAA's Weather Data: A vital Tool
Track: Climate, Weather, and Atmosphere
Author(s): Bernd Haupt, Maurie Kelly, Ryan Baxter, James Spayd

Round the clock news coverage and the popularity of channels such as the Weather Channel have raised our awareness of weather related disasters and emergencies. Whether it is an environmental threat or an emergency of local, national or international impact, situations arise on a daily sometimes hourly basis. However, all disasters and crises have one common element: They need to be managed and mastered. Access to real time data and maps provides the tools to respond and manage these emergencies.

In this presentation, we will demonstrate how the integration of temporal weather data and GIS provide the tools to help cope with weather related disasters and emergencies. Using NOAA weather data and Internet Map Services, we discuss the unique nature of climate data, provide technical insight, and show the potential impact of providing access to these vital data resources that are free to anyone with an Internet connection.

Bernd Haupt
The Pennsylvania State University
Earth and Environmental Systems Institute
2217 Earth & Engineering Science Bldg.
University Park , Pennsylvania 16802
United States
Phone: 814-865-8188
E-mail: bjhaupt@psu.edu

Maurie Kelly
The Pennsylvania State University
Penn State Institutes of the Environment
117 Land & Water Research Building
University Park , Pennsylvania 16802
United States
Phone: 814-863-0104
E-mail: mck4@psu.edu

Ryan Baxter
The Pennsylvania State University
Penn State Institutes of the Environment
117 Land & Water Research Building
University Park , Pennsylvania 16802
United States
Phone: 814-865-8791
E-mail: rbaxter@psu.edu

James Spayd
The Pennsylvania State University
Penn State Institutes of the Environment
117 Land & Water Research Building
University Park , Pennsylvania 16802
United States
Phone: 814-865-8792
E-mail: jfs126@psu.edu