
No Paper
Workflow Modernization and Digital Plat Submissions-St. Clair County's Experience
Track: Cadastral and Land Records
Author(s): Charles Kofron

This paper presents the steps leading up to enactment and the first year's experience with an ordinance requiring digital plat submissions at the time of recording final plat documents in St. Clair County, Illinois. The goal of the ordinance was to make digital plat submissions available to parcel data editors for improving parcel editing workflow and turnaround and to provide other County departments with advance information on parcel divisions. After some initial resistance from the surveying community, the screening of digital plat submissions is finding fewer problems with the precision and accuracy of the data. To further support surveying work, the County is developing a geographic reference system for providing monument locations and base station measurements which, ultimately, will improve the accuracy of the County's cadastral map base and the parcel editing workflow process.

Charles Kofron
St. Clair County Data Processing
##10 Public Square
Belleville , Illinois 62220
United States
Phone: (618) 277-6600
Fax: (618) 277-9335
E-mail: ckofron@co.st-clair.il.us