
Data and applications as support to activities of Public Administrations
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): Concetta Caroppo, Michele Gramegna

The Geographical Information System (SIT-Puglia) is conceived as a cooperative framework for Local Administrations, based on web functionalities and on a geographic data infrastructure, devoted to territorial and landscape planning activities.

The specific objectives of the SIT-Puglia can be described by 4 principal lines of development, i.e.: topographical database to 1:5.000 scale (1:2.000 for urban areas); functionalities for the government of the territory, with specific reference to territorial and landscape planning, emergency management, territorial marketing policy definition and historical-cultural property enjoyment; functionalities for precision positioning, with specific reference to the network of twelve permanent GPS stations; Thematic Center for the management of the SIT-Puglia and to support Local Administrations in adoption of Regional / National /European technical standards for geographic data and applications.

The technological stack includes Oracle database and ArcGIS Server 9.2. The objective is to develop the applicative functionalities in a SOA architecture with elementary JAVA web services

Concetta Caroppo
Tecnopolis CSATA
Strada Prov. per Casamassima km 3
Valenzano , BARI 70010
Phone: +390804670513
Fax: +390804670260
E-mail: c.caroppo@tno.it

Michele Gramegna
Tecnopolis CSATA
Strada Prov. per Casamassima Km 3
Valenzano , BARI 70010
Phone: 390804670513
Fax: 390804670260
E-mail: m.gramegna@tno.it