
A Web-Based Spatio-temporal Decision Support Tool for Humanitarian Support Distribution
Track: Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Affairs
Author(s): Ongaya Kizito, Peter Jehopio, Elwin Koster

There are a number of NGOs providing humanitarian support to people suffering with HIV/AIDS in Gulu District. However, frequently the NGOs end up with uneven distribution of aid resources. There is no easy way for donors to verify that the activity they are funding is being accomplished by another NGO in an area. The aim of the study was to develop a spatio-temporal decision support tool for effective improvement of distribution of humanitarian support. ArcIMS was used to implement the project. The study found out that humanitarian support was not reaching all parishes and the spatio-temporal activities of the NGOs are without analysis of what sister NGOs have to offer and therefore resulting in duplication of services. The study also showed that it was possible to have a web-based GIS for coordinating NGOs.

Ongaya Kizito
Gulu University
P.O.Box 166
Gulu- Uganda
Gulu , yy +256
Phone: +256 782316676
E-mail: ongayak@yahoo.co.uk

Peter Jehopio
Makerere University
Makerere University, Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics
P.O. Box 7062,
Kampala , Central +256
Phone: +256 772488849
E-mail: jehopio@yahoo.com

Elwin Koster
University of Groningen The Netherlands
Faculty of Arts, Humanities Computing, Art and Architectural History,
P.O Box 716 9700 AS Groningen, the Netherlands
Groningen , yy +31
Phone: +31 50 3635882
E-mail: ongayak@yahoo.co.uk