
The City of Calgary - Evolution of an Enterprise GIS
Track: System Implementation for GIS
Author(s): Steven Waters

The initial Esri GIS environment at the City of Calgary was deployed in 1999. The goal of the GIS was to facilitate publishing of spatial information that originated in other systems and expand as data maintenance applications were migrated to the technology.

Fast forward 10 years, the City's vision of enterprise computing goals have evolved to encompass:

  • web centric (.Net) applications
  • support the mobile work force
  • prove the value of integration with new initiatives
  • manage the lifecycle of IT infrastructure
The City chose to work with Esri - System Design Team to review our system architecture and validate our plans to support our corporate goals with modern Esri technologies. The presentation reviews: where we started, existing corporate standards and our new target environment.

Steven Waters
City of Calgary
PO Box 2100, Stn. M, ####8304
Calgary , Alberta T2T5T4
Phone: (403) 268-1550
E-mail: swaters@calgary.ca