
No Paper
Building Interior Space Optimization and GIS based Space Management tools
Track: Facility Management
Author(s): W Ball

Building Interior Space Optimization and GIS based Space Management tools

Langley Research Center (LaRC) is developing Space Optimization tools to support more objective planning and use of the center's limited and extremely valuable office and technical space. The decision support capability leverages LaRC's long term maintenance of building interior data (room level details) in GIS.

Methods by which the GIS and associated relational databases are used uses to capture, maintain, and feed the optimization process for existing spaces will be addressed. Due to the complexity of the optimization tool, the tool is broken down into components to facilitate understanding of the capability. Components of the tool include: constraints and metrics (such as organizational synergy), application of optimization algorithms (greedy, genetic, etc.), visualization tools for solution evaluation (dashboard concept), and web based data maintenance and reporting tools. Lessons learned and future plans for this activity will be discussed.

W Ball
NASA Langley
Hampton , Virginia 23681
United States
Phone: 757 864 7297
Fax: 757 864 8096
E-mail: william.b.ball@nasa.gov