
No Paper
NATO Bi-SC AIS Core Geographic Services Project
Track: Defense and Intelligence
Author(s): John Teufert

NATO is currently in the final design and implementation phase of an enterprise-level Geospatial Data and Services infrastructure, designed to provide centralized Geospatial services to the NATO users and C2 Systems. The NATO Bi-SC AIS Core Geographic Services Project (NATO CORE GIS) will deliver two main elements. First a functional element (GIS production environment) to be used by NATO's Geospatial Staff for the production, manipulation and maintenance of all designated geospatial data and secondly a core element providing centralized GIS data access through a variety of web-services.

This new capability is expected to solve various legacy GIS stove pipe issues and may be extended to also scope with meteorological and oceanographic information in the future.

John Teufert
P.O. Box 174
The Hague , The Hague 2501 CD
Phone: +31 (0)70 374 3524
E-mail: john.teufert@nc3a.nato.int