
No Paper
Geospatial Data Production in Support of NATO Exercises
Track: Defense and Intelligence
Author(s): Andreas Zellhuber

NATO conducts several exercises per year based on artificial scenarios. To provide the involved HQ staff with appropriate geospatial information, the NATO Command Control and Consultation Agency (NC3A) is responsible for producing customized topographic map series/nautical charts and image coverages at various scales according to military standards and in a variety of formats required by NATO's C2 systems.

To achieve this task, NC3A has developed a dedicated state-of-the-art mapping production workflow. The process, including map rectification and datum transformation, semi-automated map template design and image processing, involves the use of multiple software packages. This paper describes the various processing steps, challenges and lessons learned in the production cycle of real world and artificial military exercise mapping.

Andreas Zellhuber
P.O. Box 174
The Hague , The Hague 2501 CD
Phone: 0031703743513
E-mail: andreas.zellhuber@nc3a.nato.int