
No Paper
DailyPlanet, a Current View of the World from Space
Track: Parks and Natural Reserves
Author(s): Lucian Plesea

For the last few years, the JPL OnEarth WMS server has been
available to the GIS community. The server has been designed
and built to serve as a distribution platform for the WMS Global
Mosaic, a multispectral, 15m per pixel global landmass Landsat
mosaic. Other large datasets such as daily MODIS imagery, Blue
Marble Next Generation, SRTM imagery and an elevation model
have been added. All these datasets are freely available to users.
OnEarth implements most of the WMS standard, including some
significant extensions such as high dynamic range data formats,
tiled WMS and an integrated KML-WMS translation, making it
available under many user applications, including many of the
Esri applications. This presentation will offer a closer look at
some of the server implementation details; datasets available
and future development plans.

Lucian Plesea
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Science Data Understanding Group MS: 306-463
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena , California 91109
United States
Phone: 818-354-3928
E-mail: Lucian.Plesea@jpl.nasa.gov