
No Paper
On-line GIS Access to a NASA Precipitation Archive
Track: Parks and Natural Reserves
Author(s): Owen Kelley, Erich Stocker

The NASA/JAXA Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission
will serve a wide range of disciplines including hydrologists and
emergency managers. The GPM mission will provide its
observations in a variety of formats in addition to the archival
HDF format. The additional formats include vector and raster GIS
formats (ShapeFiles and GeoTIFF). Because the archive will be
too large to store in multiple data formats, GIS files will be
provided through a web interface that will dynamically create
GIS files from the archived HDf files when users request data for
a particular storm overflight. We report on progress at the
Precipitation Processing System (PPS) to represend 3D storm
observations in ShapeFiles and GeoTIFF files. We also report on a
prototype PPS on-line interface that is being tested with data
from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite in
orbit since 1998.

Owen Kelley
Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 601.2, Building 32, Room S048B
Greenbelt , Maryland 20771
United States
Phone: 301-614-5245
E-mail: Owen.A.Kelley@nasa.gov

Erich Stocker
Goddard Space Flight Center
MS: 601.2
Greenbelt , Maryland 20771
United States
Phone: 301-614-5178
E-mail: Erich.F.Stocker@nasa.gov