
No Paper
Geospatial Knowledge Grid Facilitating Knowledge Discovery and Resource Sharing
Track: Parks and Natural Reserves
Author(s): Liping Di

Geoinformation science has experienced a paradigm shift from
locally owned data and computing resources to shared data and
services across the Web. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
and the Semantic Web provide an information infrastructure
enabling discovery, invocation, and assembly of applications and
data. Data mining and analysis operations available as Web
services significantly enhance the ability to collect and analyze
geospatial data. Individual services spanning applications can be
assembled into a service chain enabling complicated knowledge
discovery tasks. However, taking advantage of these advances
requires significant geospatial domain knowledge and skills.
Therefore, the question is how can average users take full
advantage of these advances? The answer may rely on the
geospatial knowledge grid, a framework for web-based
geospatial knowledge discovery and resource sharing. This
presentation presents the architecture and features of the grid
and discusses the geospatial domain knowledge base.
Geospatial ontologies are discussed and implementation
examples are given.

Liping Di
George Mason University
Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems (CSISS)
6301 Ivy Lane, Suite 620
Greenbelt , Maryland 20770
United States
Phone: 301-982-0795
E-mail: ldi@gmu.edu