
ArcGIS and Citrix - A Regional Solution
Track: Defense and Intelligence
Author(s): Wendell Hoskins, Jason Thacker, Adam LaBorde

The United States Marine Corps has established two regional geospatial data centers in an effort to centralize GIS data storage and application hosting. Each of the two regional centers supports ten to twelve Marine Corps Installations and their tenant commands. Meeting application performance and GIS capability expectations is not easily achieved in a centralized environment. However, the Marine Corps model has proven successful where others have fallen short. Cornerstone components of this Enterprise GIS architecture include consolidated and pooled Esri licenses, a centrally managed ArcSDE geodatabase, a common yet individualized browser-based map viewer via ArcGIS Server/Web ADF, and centralized hosting of the ArcGIS Desktop suite via Citrix Presentation Server (now called XenApp). Overcoming unique challenges with hosting ArcGIS Desktop in a Citrix environment, particularly within the Navy-Marine Corps network, resulted in valuable lessons learned and recommended configurations.

Wendell Hoskins
Systems Analyst
Building 1160, Room 13A
Camp Pendleton , California 92055
United States
Phone: 760-763-5050
E-mail: whoskins@taic.net

Jason Thacker
Building 1160, Room 13A
Camp Pendleton , California 92055
United States
Phone: 760-763-6693
E-mail: jthacker@taic.net

Adam LaBorde
Building 1160, Room 13A
Camp Pendleton , California 92055
United States
Phone: 760-763-6693
E-mail: alaborde@taic.net