
Native Names Project 2007-2008
Track: Ecology and Conservation
Author(s): Miles Henriksen

In 2007 Native Names Project was expanded to bring other Tribes into the project. With a grant to provide training to participating Tribes training was held to teach participating Tribes the methodology of entering their names into the database. With the success of the training session the project was invited to the Tlingit and Haida GIS User Conference to speak. Follow up has continued and tribes have continued to add their audio, photos, and video to the project. The Coeur d'Alene Tribe also maintains an Internet Map Server on its website and in 2007-2008 it has updated its IMS map as well as adding a KML version of the Native Names Map for use in Google Earth. The Tribe has recently been awarded another grant from the USGS to continue outreach and training to other Tribes and another training session was held in Grand Ronde, OR.

Miles Henriksen
Coeur d'Alene Tribe
850 A St
PO Box 408
Plummer , Idaho 83851
United States
Phone: 208-686-2038
E-mail: mhenriksen@cdatribe-nsn.gov