
No Paper
Development of an Enterprise-GIS Solution at Confederated Tribes of Grand-Ronde
Track: Ecology and Conservation
Author(s): Volker Mell

In 2007 the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community in Oregon decided as an outcome of a strategic GIS assessment to develop an enterprise wide GIS solution.

The planning phase, first implementations and planned future developments are topic of this presentation.

The use of ARCGIS Desktop 9.2 and the development of an ARSDE Geodatabase, together with extensive training of GIS stakeholders, improved the level of use of GIS and increased the productivity of the GIS users.

The Natural Resources department of the Tribes decided to switch to ArcPad and GPS-Analyst for their GPS units, to integrate with the developed Geodatabase system.

The future development of customized GIS applications with ARCGIS server will provide access for a greater number of CTGR employees to GIS technology. The presentation shows the positive changes that can be accomplished by developing an Enterprise GIS for a smaller tribal administration.

Volker Mell
Confederated tribes of grand Ronde
9615 Grand Ronde Road
Grand Ronde , Oregon 97347-9712
United States
Phone: 503-879-4636
E-mail: volker.mell@grandronde.org