
Sustainable Solutions for Upgrading Squatter Developments
Track: Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Affairs
Author(s): Rosario Giusti de Perez, Ramon Perez

This paper describes sustainable solutions for improving quality of life in squatter developments. Experiences gained through upgrading high-density squatter developments located in Venezuelan cities has provided evidence that improving poverty conditions requires a full understanding of the function and organization of the development.

Typically a major removal of the existing settlement is the first idea considered when planning improvements for squatter developments. In practice, however, any available funds will probably not be sufficient to implement major changes. What to improve and how much? What is feasible and what is not? The answer to these questions, were obtained as a result of projects developed for the "Barrio of Petare", where use of GIS tools was key for supporting sustainable answers,

In "Petare", a combined evaluation of the site's environment, urban built conditions and social networks provided the framework for spatial change that guided the improvement plans.

Rosario Giusti de Perez
Grupo Esri de Venezuela
Av. Bella Vista con Calle 67, Torre Socuy Piso 9
Maracaibo , Zulia 4002
Phone: 58-261-7927997
Fax: 58-261-7923086
E-mail: rosario@Esriven.com

Ramon Perez
Grupo Esri de Venezuela
Av. Bella Vista con Calle 67
Torre Socuy, Piso 9
Maracaibo , Zulia 4002
Phone: 58-261-7927997
Fax: 58-261-7923086
E-mail: ramon@Esriven.com