
No Paper
Inside Out: Analyzing Interior Spaces within their Geospatial Context
Track: Facility Management
Author(s): Michael Parkin

MIT's approach to their space management system created a spatial data infrastructure from their interior building spaces. As the system matured, it grew from the inside out and now integrates space, building, and land information into a common geospatial framework. MIT now manages and analyzes this information together and has discovered the importance of relating interior spaces with exterior features. By leveraging the power of GIS, MIT now visualizes, analyzes, integrates, and shares information about its campus in new and exciting ways.

This presentation will discuss the process that brought GIS inside their buildings and will illustrate the different types of analyses that can be performed within this framework. Demonstrations will include visualizations/analyses for space management, facilities management, public safety, and campus planning. A number of different GIS technologies will be showcased, focusing mostly on 3D clients such as ArcScene.

Michael Parkin
MIT Department of Facilities
77 Massachusetts Ave
RM NE49-2100
Cambridge , Massachusetts 02138
United States
Phone: 617-252-1544
E-mail: mparkin@plant.mit.edu