
No Paper
Geospatial Mapping Infrastructures and other support projects in peace operations
Track: Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Affairs
Author(s): Francisco J. Igualada

Modern peacekeeping and humanitarian operations need to move faster and cover larger areas than ever before in short periods of time and at a very short notice as crises develop. Thus, up-to-date mapping or geospatial infrastructures using satellite imagery-derived information are extremely important. Such geodatabases are among the most relevant information sources any peacekeeping-mission or crises needs in its initial development stage because readiness is a success factor.

In this context, military geodatabases ensure quality, interoperability and standardization thus, making critical foundation data to assist in daily peacekeeping and/or peacebuilding scenarios with sound geo intelligence analysis.

To accomplish these challenging objectives, the UN Department of Field Support has set up the Geospatial Information (GIS) Centre providing key support projects such as mapping (Vmap2 NATO), groundwater assessment, camp flooding hazards, trafficability, thematic analyses, training, rapid start-up/deployments and various GIS technological developments. Currently, Sudan/Darfur, Chad-CAR, Lebanon and Syria missions are being supported.

Francisco J. Igualada
GIS Centre at UNLB (CS/DFS) United Nations
UNITED NATIONS Logistic Base, c/o Aeroporto Militare
Piazza del Vento, 1
Brindisi , Puglia 72011
Phone: 39 0831 446064
Fax: 39 0831 418758
E-mail: igualada@un.org