
No Paper
CORS and OPUS for GIS Applications
Track: Federal Systems Implementation
Author(s): Richard Snay

The Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) system incorporates a network of over 1,200 ground-based receivers that continuously collect dual-frequency GPS data throughout the U.S., its territories, and select foreign countries. GIS professionals, remote sensing professionals, surveyors, and others can apply CORS data to determine accurate positional coordinates for points where they have collected GPS data via differential positioning. CORS data

enables positioning accuracies that approach a few centimeters relative to the National Spatial Reference System, both horizontally and vertically. The Online Positioning User Service (OPUS) is a utility that

enables users to submit GPS data to NOAA's National Geodetic Survey (NGS) via the Web. NGS computers and software will then be used to automatically determine positional coordinates for the user's data collection point.

This presentation addresses

(1) GIS applications of CORS data, (2) how to retrieve CORS data, (3) using OPUS, and (4) future prospects for enhancing CORS and OPUS.

Richard Snay
NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
1315 East-West Highway Room 8813
Silver Spring , Maryland 20910
United States
Phone: 909-793-2853
E-mail: mcammack@Esri.com