
GIS Analyses of Railroad Capacity and Delays
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Alex Landex

Railroad capacity, train delays and passenger delays are correlated. If there is lack of capacity (or the capacity is poorly utilized) there is high risk of train delays and hence passenger delays. Only few GIS-approaches concerning visualization of railroad capacity (and its utilization) exist. For delays, several GIS-approaches of visualizing train delays exist while no GIS-approach for passenger delays exists.

In Europe, rail authorities, infrastructure managers and train operating companies need to communicate about railroad capacity and delays. Consequently, analytical descriptions of railroad capacity and its utilization have been developed. Also models analyzing train and passenger delays have been developed for follow-up on performed operation and for forecasting delays in the planning process. However, hardly any GIS-systems are used to ease the communication of delays and railroad capacity – and its correlation. This paper illustrates how railroad capacity can be visualized, analyzed and communicated together with train and passenger delays.

Alex Landex
Technical University of Denmark
Department of Transport
Bygningstorvet, building 115
Kgs. Lyngby , Denmark DK-2800
Phone: +45 4525 1486
E-mail: al@transport.dtu.dk