
No Paper
Point-Level Employment Estimates: Calculating Employment for Any Level of Geography
Track: Census and Geodemographics
Author(s): Jonathan Harahush

GIS is an integral part of regional socioeconomic data production at the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG). The DRCOG Socioeconomic Data and Modeling Team produces regional population, household, and wage and salary employment estimates that are used to shape a variety of planning and policy decisions within the nine-county Denver region. This paper discusses the process of producing the yearly point-level employment estimates – more specifically, the time-saving GIS functions that are used to create ‘employment points’ that can be broken down into nearly any level of geography imaginable – municipality, county, region, neighborhood, radius, employment near transit stops, special districts, etc. This paper also discusses use cases for this data.

Jonathan Harahush
Denver Regional Council of Governments
1290 Broadway
Suite 700
Denver , Colorado 80203
United States
Phone: 303-480-6746
E-mail: jharahush@drcog.org