
No Paper
AERA GIS at Giza, Egypt: Our Progress since 2005
Track: Archaeology
Author(s): Farrah La Pan, Rebekah Miracle

Since 2005, the Ancient Egypt Research Associates (AERA) GIS team has worked to develop and maintain a GIS to manage, display, and analyze the multitude of data recorded and collected by AERA during the past 23 years of excavations and research at Giza, Egypt. We first created a dynamic basemap of the Giza Plateau consisting of contours and a TIN, survey points and grids, and historic maps and photographs. We then refined the excavation workflow to incorporate GIS quality checks, digitizing, map production, and feedback for specialists’ analyses. We now work daily with an international team of excavators, archivists, and specialists to integrate field drawings, locations of excavation units, survey points, and artifact analyses. We are also cooperating with other researchers working on the Giza Plateau and hope to demonstrate the benefits as well as limitations of using GIS for archaeological research, contributing to a ‘best practice’ for archaeologists.

Farrah La Pan
Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc
26 Lincoln St
Suite 5
Brighton , Massachusetts 02135
United States
Phone: 706.254.4577
E-mail: farrah.lapan@gmail.com

Rebekah Miracle
Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc
26 Lincoln St
Suite 5
Brighton , Massachusetts 02135
United States
Phone: 512-916-0050
E-mail: reremiracle@gmail.com