
Scapes: Inserting Culture in Prehistoric Landscapes
Track: Archaeology
Author(s): Jesse Rouse

There has long been a reciprocal exchange of ideas and technologies between Geography and archaeology. The spatial nature and material focus of archaeology makes it an ideal discipline in which to apply and test many geographical methods and techniques. Likewise the insight into culture, both past and present, is very pertinent to many geography interpretations. Over the last two decades, as the focus on landscape in archaeology has moved from a fringe consideration to a widespread area of inquiry, discussion has focused on particular activities or features within the landscape. By looking at these specific topics it has been possible for archaeologists to drill deeper than traditional holistic perspectives and interpret details within the landscape. This paper will give examples of three of these specific ‘scapes’ including taskscapes, resourcescapes, and viewscapes and how these can be used to support a holistic interpretation of landscape.

Jesse Rouse
West Virginia University
PO Box 6300
Morgantown , West Virginia 26506
United States
Phone: 304-293-3310
E-mail: jesse.rouse@mail.wvu.edu