AbstractDistribution of Least Bell's Vireo in Border Field State Park Track: Ecology and Conservation Author(s): Andrew Fisher For the past three years EDAW, Inc. biologists have conducted surveys to determine the presence/absence, spatial distribution of territories, and territory size of the federally and California state endangered least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus; LBV) within Border Field State Park. This park lies adjacent to the U.S./Mexico border in southwestern San Diego County. LBV surveys were conducted to monitor the effects of habitat based mitigation for the Goat Canyon Enhancement Project. This project involved the construction and operation of a diversion structure to divert sediment flowing from Mexico into California during rainfall events. Standard spot-mapping techniques were used to collect demographic and territory data on LBV from 2006-2008 to determine the use of restored habitat as mitigation for the Goat Canyon Enhancement Project. These surveys utilized mobile GIS, ArcGIS, and statistical analysis to monitor the LBV population and spatial distribution across restored and nonrestored areas within the park. Andrew Fisher EDAW, Inc 1420 Kettner Blvd Suite 500 San Diego , California 92101 United States Phone: 619-233-1454 E-mail: andrew.fisher@edaw.com |