
Relationship Networks: A New Approach to GIS Data Content
Track: Technology Integration
Author(s): Barry Bitters

In social network analysis, associations and relationships are viewed in terms of nodes and links. These form logical networks that are used to characterize complex social and natural systems. Developing a geospatial relationship network that includes associations between features, their detailed spatial relations, and their probabilities of existence would result in an advanced logical knowledge base – a relationship network - for use in automated image analysis, intelligence analysis, and a wide array of geospatial production efforts. This geospatial relationship network could provide a means to describe and store many of the complex interactions and intricacies of both natural and cultural geographies. Using an inference engine with a relationship network and existing GIS data, it is possible to determine the existence of additional feature detail. In other words - it is possible to generate new information and derive conclusions that would otherwise be missed using more conventional logic tools.

Barry Bitters
21274 Samantha Drive
Sterling , Virginia 20164
United States
Phone: 703 430-4753
E-mail: bittersb@saic.com